Jetfire Code: To Do

Modified on 2010/01/19 21:48 by John — Categorized as: Jetfire Code

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Jetfire Code: To Do

The Jetfire Code Class for To Do is shown below in the box. This class is used to create To Do lists.

// To Do Workflow
// ToDo.txt
// Copyright (C) 2007 TrackerRealm Corporation
// This file is part of Jetfire.
// Jetfire is open software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// version 3 of the License.
// Jetfire is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
// PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Jetfire.
// If not, see

namespace JetfireApps
	public workflow ToDoList
		// C O N S T R U C T O R - Instantiate the ToDoList
		// The ToDoList starts in the Start State.
		public ToDoList()
			enterstate Start();
			Subject = "To Do List";
		// P R O P E R T I E S
		public List ToDoItems
			private set;

		// S T A T E   M E T H O D S
		// State Transition        Command       Comment
		// New -> Start            new           The workflow enters the start state when instantiated
		// Start -> Cancelled      Cancel		   The To Do List is not required
		// Start -> Completed		 Complete      This is an end state
		public Start()
		public Scheduled()
		public Cancelled()
		public Completed()
		// C O M M A N D S
		// The Cancel command can be used in the Start and Scheduled states by the Organizer
		public void Cancel() : states(Start, Scheduled)
			enterstate Cancelled();
		// The Complete command can be used in the Scheduled state
		public void Complete() : states(Scheduled)
			enterstate Completed();
		public ToDoItem AddToDoItem()
			ToDoItem item = new ToDoItem();
			return item;
	// ToDoItem inherits from Schedule.
	public workflow ToDoItem : Schedule
		public ToDoItem()
			enterstate Start();
			Subject = "To Do Item";
		// Properties
		// State Methods - same as ToDoList
		// Commands - same as ToDoList
		// S T A T E   M E T H O D S
		// State Transition        Command       Comment
		// New -> Start            new           The workflow enters the start state when instantiated
		// Start -> Scheduled      Schedule
		// Scheduled -> Start      UnSchedule    The user un-scheduled the appointment
		// Scheduled -> Scheduled  Schedule      The user rescheduled the appointment
		// Start -> Cancelled      Cancel
		// Scheduled -> Cancelled  Cancel        This is an end state
		// Scheduled -> Completed  Complete      This is an end state
		public Start()
		public Scheduled()
		public Cancelled()
		public Completed()
		// C O M M A N D S
		// The Schedule command can be used in the Start and Scheduled states
		public void Schedule() : states(Start, Scheduled)
			StartDateTime = DateTime.Today;
			EndDateTime = DateTime.Today;
			enterstate Scheduled();
		// The Unschedule command can be used in the Scheduled states by the Organizer
		public void Unschedule() : states(Scheduled)
			enterstate Start();
		// The Cancel command can be used in the Start and Scheduled states by the Organizer
		public void Cancel() : states(Start, Scheduled)
			enterstate Cancelled();
		// The Complete command can be used in the Scheduled state
		public void Complete() : states(Scheduled)
			enterstate Completed();

See Also

Jetfire Code Library
Jetfire Code Application Library